Monday, May 23, 2011

Road Trip 2011!

Over the past couple of weeks, Jonerik and I were on the road traveling to a conference in Dallas, TX with a few stops along the way to visit people that we love and don't see often.  This included both of my brothers and their wives.  We loved every minute (except for a few car problems along the way) and although there was a simple car repair needed in Houston, we were glad we drove.

Here are a few pictures of the people and things we saw.  We didn't get a picture with Frankie (hindsight...) but we enjoyed time with him as well and got to meet his church family out in Kansas.

Road Trip 2011

The conference that we attended is called Catalyst.  They do an East Coast and a West Coast conference every year but this year they began one in Dallas.  Jonerik and I volunteered for two days leading up to the conference and were then able to attend for free!  (and we got a free T-shirt!)  It was a blast, we met a lot of great people and heard lots of challenging speakers who motivated us to "Take Courage".

This trip came a good time for us and it was refreshing to take a step back from our daily routines to have some adventure and find new ways to stimulate growth in our personal and spiritual lives.  We are grateful for people who helped make this possible and to the many friends and family members who hosted us.